Catering RootStock 2018!
Last year we catered the most amazing dinner on the #Waco Suspension Bridge for Valley Mills Vineyards. It was a clear, crisp day with a bustle of people enjoying the Wine Festival and everyone had a blast! Well, we are so excited to say that we are on board for another great year!!
As with last year, we will be pairing our entire menu to the various wines being served. Each one is hand crafted by #ValleyMillsVineyards and our menu will be created to compliment each wine with the 6-8 courses.
Over the next week or so we will be creating those special courses right here with you! It could be sweet or savory, hot or chilled. An overly decadent bite or an explosion of flavors that surface throughout the entire mouth feel. This is the most exciting part about what we do as caterers and we cant wait to share it with you.
Be sure to check back regularly to see which wines we are working with and what amazing or possibly crazy concoctions we come up with. My mouth is already watering with anticipation of what lies ahead.
A sneak preview of the #Wine !
As Im sure you can see, we may have already needed to sample one… or two. All in the name of research, I say!!
Y’all come back soon, the adventure continues!
with love,